This mothers day was a big success. Nathan and I honored our mothers by making them a wonderful breakfast - waffles from scratch with homemade whipped cream and fresh strawberries along with a mushroom, tomato and basil egg scramble! YUM!
After breakfast we hopped in the car and drove to Aloha to the Barefoot Quilt Festival. It was a little hard to find, but once we made it to the Jenkins Estate it was worth it! The Estate was beautiful, so much history within the home. I told Nathan I wish we knew about this place when we were looking for places to get married, not that our wedding was not perfect, it was just that pretty!
The quilts were really great, the theme was "Then and Now - Twenty Years of Quilts" Each artist had a quilt from twenty years ago next to a quilt they made this year. My favorite was the water color quilts...

I also really loved the fabric stretched over canvas to create a different kind of look...

After the quilt festival we drove to Elk Rock at The Bishops Close, Portland's best kept secret. The gardens are beautiful! It was so relaxing and definitely will become a regular place to visit on sunny days. Here are some pictures I took while exploring...

It was a perfect day. We are so blessed to have our parents in our lives that support us and care about us. It was fun spoiling our moms with a homemade breakfast and flowers.
Mother's Day has always been a fond memory for me, this was the first year I was not home with my mom so I had to make it special in a different way. Growing up, we would get up early before mom and make her breakfast in bed and bring it to her while singing,
Happy Mother's Day to you,Happy Mother's Day to you,Happy Mother's Day dear Mommy....Happy Mother's Day to you!I'm looking forward to the day that song will be sung to me by my little ones... until then, I will celebrate my mom - she is a wonderful mother and friend. I appreciate her so much and I don't know what I would do without her. Even within these past few months I feel like our relationship has grown to another level. I pray my children think of me the same way I think of my mom, she is beautiful inside and out, in every way.
I am honored to say this year I have taken in another mother as well! Getting married has its perks in so many ways, I have twice the family I had before! Carol has been such a blessing to me and I look forward to the future we'll share together. She is the only woman that loves my husband as much as I do and that means the world to me.
Mother's Day might be one of my favorite holidays, and I'm not even a mom! :)
Here's a shout out to our moms! We love you SO MUCH!!