Monday, May 30, 2011

On Not Wanting to do Finals

Welp. Do em anyways.


figure out your score in the class and what it would be if you just didn't write the final paper. Lets see here....

yeah, I should probably do it...
am I going to? You ask.

Yes. However, I don' t have to do very well to pull of a decent grade. And by decent I mean an A, so don't judge me.

I think I'll live by these rules next semester.

I'm just being a whiner. I am so glad I have the ability to be back in school eating up all this knowledge. So stop all that judgement.

Friday, May 27, 2011

chalk mural!

47th and Sandy Blvd.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The beginning

And so it begins
this person is here
Her awareness has yet to develop to our level
the awareness of others
of humanity
It won't be long that she will recognize you
your laughter
your anger
your trickery

Forgive me
I am angry already
The reality this person will face
the sorrow
the pain
it is going to hurt
You are going to hurt her

Promise me this
promise as if your life depended on it
you will try
and beyond try
with all your might
to love those around you
not for them
not for yourself
not for me
but for this person

she is perfect

Thursday, May 12, 2011

So what I mean is...

Reading literature that is all metaphoric is one thing. Analyzing literature that is all metaphoric is another thing. I've analyzed myself back to the beginning. I have so many ideas of what this short story was intended to mean. I'm at a loss. And my poor essay, it's at a loss too.
Any thoughts on The Yellow Wallpaper?

The man's role/power

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

something beautiful

I recently went to first Thursday downtown and had a wonderful time looking around galleries and finding really beautiful art. I wanted to share one artist I fell in love with at the Froelick gallery, I think you will fall in love too!
Susan Suebert will seriously change your life. Her photos are to die for. She uses ambrotype, a technique I wasn't familiar with before but now I can't get enough of it. Here are some of my favorites. Here is her blog, have a look-see!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

New Mexico Beauty

More to come.
Can you even stand how cute that girl is?
This trip was much needed.
I seriously love my family.