I burned my hand really bad today at work when I went to grab a metal spoon... little did I know at the time it was one million degrees. The day was painful and I was useless, unable to write, do dishes, or any other of my workly duties. I walked around one handed (my bad hand no less) while grasping a cup of cold water in the other to keep from shouting in pain.
Once I got home I looked up home remedies to burns. And I came across this. Aluminum foil?Aluminum foil. Yes. Believe it. My pain is gone. It's still pretty tender to the touch, and I still have a pretty badass blister, but the pain, the unbearable cut off my phalange I'm going to die pain... that's gone!

This is me: The Robot.
So, friends. Next time you get a burn, wrap it in foil. You look cool, and it feels better within 10 minutes or so!
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